"The archeology notebooks" vol. 7: Lapita : The pottery collection from the site of Foué, New Caledonia
This book is unique today. For the first time in the Pacific, a book in colour for the general public is dedicated to Lapita pottery. In October 1995, the Department of Archeology of the Museum and Heritage Department, on Lapita's eponymous site in Koné, discovered a series of almost entirely decorated pots.
This discovery, unique in Oceania, has been greatly enhanced by the quality of the restoration carried out at the Australian Museum in Sydney in 1996. As part of the first public exhibition of these remains in Koné after their return to New Caledonia , we wanted to make available to the public Caledonian a didactic book presenting this discovery and illustrating these spectacular potteries manufactured 3 000 years ago on the beach of Foué.
This book will immerse you in the history of the Lapita site, the cultural importance of this Pacific tradition, the circumstances of the discovery of the pottery pit, before presenting the restored major pieces and the stylistic diversity of the dotted decorations in New Caledonia.
- Author: Christophe Sand, with the participation of Jacques Bolé, André Ouetcho and Kareen Coote
- 62 pages of 21 x 23 cm
- Numerous color illustrations
- Public price : 1 500 Frs
- Total English Edition
- Decembre 1995.
- ISBN : 2-9509311-2-X
- ISSN : 1264-1502